
Catering Permit

Anyone wishing to obtain a Catering Permit for an event will need to submit a completed Caterers Permit Application to the Mandan Police Department with a $25.00 fee payment. If the requested permit is less than 7 days from the event date, then the fee payment is $50.00. Check /money order/credit card/ and cash will be accepted and made out to Mandan Police Department.

Be sure to complete all necessary fields to ensure your application(s) can be processed in the shortest time possible. Mail or drop off your application and enclose the required fee to:

Mandan Police Department
205 1st Avenue NW
Mandan, ND 58554

You will need a .pdf reader to open attached Gaming Documents. If you do not have one, it can be downloaded free at http://get.adobe.com/reader/


This is the official site of the Mandan Police Department